Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Let's conclude our discussion of Fukuyama by responding to the following question (post your responses below):

Fukuyama tells us that by "the time of St. Bernard's death, the Cistercians had founded 338 abbeys" and had "accumulated great wealth"... (Fukuyama 4)

How are the building of abbeys and accumulation of wealth indicators of democracy? 
(Remember to answer based on what you've read and understood. When using an idea of Fukuyama's, use quotes and a page number.)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weeks 4, 5 and 6

Please check your email for the readings for Weeks 4 - 6. Each essay is approximately 30 pages in length but the reading is not nearly as difficult as Fukuyama. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week 1

What is your learning style? What have been your most memorable learning experiences? What are your strengths? What areas would you like to improve? Introduce yourself to your classmates here and give us some insight into your learning journey.